Our New Look!
  • As you may have noticed, the site’s undergone some major changes in the last few days. We have a new logo and a whole new look for the website! New business cards are also in the works, and (this is super exciting) they’ll be printed on my LETTERPRESS!

    Me, grinning like a crazy fool after opening the most awesome Christmas present ever. EVER!

    That’s right. The Cheshire Kat Design Studio is now the proud owner of an antique tabletop letterpress, and in the coming months I’ll be offering letterpress printing in addition to standard digital flat printing. I’m hard at work on a couple of exciting letterpress projects right now, so keep an eye out for them on the blog.

    In the meantime, feel free to browse through the site and check out our new look!

    March 16th, 2010 | thecheshirekat | 5 Comments | Tags: , , ,

About The Author

Katrina Hetrick

I started The Cheshire Kat Design Studio after designing stationery and paper products for my own wedding in 2008. Since then, I've branched out into event coordination as well, and the paper side of the studio continues to grow with our newest addition: letterpress! Everything I do is completely custom for each client, so contact me with your ideas and we'll work out something fabulous!

5 Responses and Counting...

  • be11agirl 03.16.2010

    Loving the new look Kat!

  • Love love love the new site!!!

  • love love love the new look! the new logo/banner is so awesome!

  • Love your new look!!!! very pro!!!

  • Amy

    love love love the new look! the new logo/banner is so awesome!

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